Old Dirty Penis Envy Magic Mushroom


  • 0.5 grams (g) for a threshold dose (mild effects)
  • 0.5-1.5g for a light dose (subtle experience)
  • 1.5-2.5g for a moderate dose (enjoyable effects)
  • 2.5-3.5g for a strong dose (intense experience)
  • 3.5g+ for an immersive, spiritual journey
SKU: Psilocybin-Mushrooms-10449 Categories: , Tags: ,


History of Old Dirty Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms

ODPE owes its existence to the diligent work of a skilled mycologist named “Joshua.” In the world of mycology, Joshua is renowned for his expertise, and he played a pivotal role in isolating and stabilizing this exceptional strain. It is believed that ODPE originated around the year 2019, making it a relatively recent addition to the world of psychedelics.

The Appearance of Old Dirty Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms


  • Prolific Flushes: ODPE is known for its prolific flushes, meaning it produces a bountiful yield of mushrooms during its growth cycle. This abundant harvest ensures you get the most out of your cultivation efforts.
  • Dense Stout Formations: The mushrooms that ODPE produces are visually distinctive with dense and stout formations. These unique characteristics make it a favorite among cultivators and enthusiasts alike.
  • Vibrant Coloration: Perhaps the most captivating feature of ODPE is its wide range of colors. The caps and stems can exhibit dark browns, blondes, and even hints of green. This visually stunning variety adds an extra layer of intrigue to your psychedelic journey.

Taking Old Dirty Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms Spiritually

For those seeking a deeply spiritual experience with Old Dirty Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms, thorough preparation is essential. Achieving a profound and mystical trip often depends on your mindset and surroundings, a concept known as “set and setting.”

Set refers to your mental state, and it’s advisable to approach the experience with an open and clear mind, free from expectations and worries. It’s crucial to ensure that your schedule is clear and that you have no pressing responsibilities during your journey.

Setting, on the other hand, pertains to your physical environment. Choose a comfortable and familiar location where you feel safe and at ease. Many individuals prefer their homes, while some opt for serene natural settings.

Having a trusted trip sitter, someone who remains sober and can provide support if needed, is also recommended during spiritual journeys with Old Dirty Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms.


Additional information


1g, 2g, 3.5g, 7g, 14g, 28g